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ECE599 - Internet Protocol (Section 36219)

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    This course focusses on the internet and TCP/IP protocol suite. It covers the underlying concepts and mechanisms of the information highway that empowers our daily life. Assignments will be given that require hands-on networking and programming skill to solve concrete problems.

    An elementary background in networking and a working knowledge of the C programming language are required. A list of the detailed topics of both courses are given in the course syllabus.


  • Dr. Hairong Qi
  • Office Hour: TR 12:30pm-2:30pm, FH319
  • Lectures: TR 11:10am-12:25pm, FH510
  • Phone: 974-8527
  • Email:

Course Material


  • Xiaoling Wang (
  • Office hour: MW 1:30-3:30PM
  • Office: SERF 536 or FH422. Phone: 974-6334

Last updated 01/13/03