ECE 421 - Electric Energy Systems
Fall 2020


Meeting Time:                         1:10-2:25PM on Tuesday and Thursday

August 20, 2020 – November 24, 2020 (28 Lectures)


Kai Sun

Contact information: kaisun(at)

Office hours:  TBD

GTA: Yang Liu, yliu161(at)


Course websites

·         Canvas:



Course Text and Reference



ECE 316 – Signals and Systems II

ECE 325 – Electric Energy System Components


Course Description

This course will cover fundamentals of electric power systems, including basic principles, the per-unit system, modeling of generators, transformers and transmission lines, power flow, and optimal dispatch. Some basic ideas on power system reliability and security will be introduced. There will be moderate work of programming in MATLAB and using commerical software for realistic power system studies. Students are also encouraged to review literature on recommended emerging topics to gain broader knowledge on, e.g., renewable energy resources and smart grid technology.


Course Objectives 
Upon completion of this course (and the pre-requisites to this course), every student should have gained: 

·         An understanding of basic principles and models on electric power system components

·         A familiarity with modern computer-aided methods for power system steady-state analysis

·         Knowledge in emerging power system techniques.


Course Outline

1.       Overview of Power Systems and Electric Power Generation (2-3 lectures)

2.       Basic Principles (4-5 lectures)

3.       Generator & Transformer Models, and the Per-Unit System (4-5 lectures)

4.       Transmission Line Parameters (2 lectures)

5.       Line Modeling and Performances (4 lectures)

6.       Power Flow Analysis (5 lectures)

7.       Optimal Dispatch of Generation (3 lectures)


Work Load

  1. Quizzes: true/false or A/B/C/D questions at the end of each section
  2. Exams: midterm in mid-October and final in early December.
  3. Homework: seven assignments (totally around 40 problems) due in one week after each section ends; it is okay to discuss with others but you must hand in your own work and solution; you need to finish at least 35 problems before the final exam; a late submission by more than one week receives at most 80% points.
  4. Projects: Project-1 is a teamwork reviewing emerging technologies on power and energy systems (the presentation & report due in late October), and Project-2 is an individual power system study (the report due before the final exam).


Homework:                  30% 
Quizzes:                       10% 
Course projects (2):      20% (10% each)
Exams (2):                    40% (20% each)
In-class Participation    5%

Total                            105%


A (90 and up), A- (85-90) , B+ (80-85) , B (76-80) , B- (72-76) , C+ (68-72) , C (64-68), C- (60-64)