CS494/594: Artificial Intelligence

Fall 2013

Min Kao 525
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 11:10AM - 12:25PM

CS494/594 home page Syllabus Schedule/Readings Homework Assignments Piazza Discussions

Course Description: This CS494/594 course on Artificial Ingelligence (AI) covers the breadth of the field of AI, including topics such as problem-solving, search, logic, planning, reasoning, natural language, and perception. We define AI as the study of intelligent agents that receive percepts from the environment and perform actions. We will cover different ways to represent the mapping of percept sequences to actions, such as production systems, reactive agents, real-time conditional planners, and decision-theoretic systems. Our primary aim is to convey the ideas that have emerged over the past fifty years of AI research. Evaluation will be through homeworks, projects, and quizzes. (Some homeworks/projects may involve programming.)

[This course avoids overlap with COSC425/528 (machine learning).]

Prerequisites: Familiarity with basic concepts of computer science (algorithms, data structures, and complexity), and mathematical maturity commensurate with CS312 or equivalent. A foundational understanding of probability (ECE 313) is also needed.

Instructor: Prof. Lynne E. Parker

TA: Hao Zhang

Required Textbook:
Last updated: August 21, 2013