Lecture Notes

Important: The dates and the assigned readings are tentative until a few days before the actual class so you should make sure you check this site regularly.

Date Topics Assigned Readings and Participation Activities Lecture Slides Homework
1/9 Course Overview and Introduction to Databases Chapter 15.1-15.4
  1. Logistics Slides
  2. Database Terminology
  3. Lecture
1/14 The Relational Model Chapter 16.1-16.5 ---
1/16, 1/21 SQL: Data Manipulation
  1. 1/16: Chapter 15.5-15.6, Chapter 18.1-18.3, 18.7
  2. 1/21: Chapter 16.6, 18.6
  3. w3schools SQL Tutorial. Read all the SQL Basic, play with the SQL demo, and read the following topics in the advanced section:
    • SQL Order By
    • SQL and & or
    • SQL In
    • SQL Between
    • SQL Join
    • SQL Create
  4. My SQL Notes
  5. Getting Started with Your MySql Database
1/23 SQL: Data Definition Chapter 18.4-18.5 1) DDL Slides
2) Subquery Slides
3) Lecture 1 (start at 8:30) and Lecture 2 (go to 42:30)
1/28 Relational Algebra and Calculus Handout on Canvas (Only read about the relational algebra and tuple relational calculus. Ignore the domain relational calculus and other languages) 1) Slides
2) Lecture
  • hw2 (Due Fri. 1/31 at 6am)
  • hw2 supplementary materials-The DreamHome.sql file will create the relations for the Dream Home property man agement firm and can be used with question 8.
1/30, 2/4 Entity-Relationship Modeling
  1. Chapter 17.1-17.6
  2. Investment Firm Design Case
1) Slides
2) Lecture 1
3) Lecture 2
4) Investment Firm Solution
hw3 (Due Fri. 2/7 at 6am)
2/6, 2/11 Normalization
  1. Chapter 17.7 and canvas handout
  2. Hotel Case Study
  3. Hotel Case Study Answers
1) Slides
2) Lecture 1
3) Lecture 2
hw4 (Due Fri. 2/14 at 6am)
2/13, 2/18 Physical Database Design
  1. physical design
  2. B+-tree and Extendible Hashing handouts on Canvas. Go to Modules and then Course Materials.
  3. B+-Tree Visualization
Lecture 1
Lecture 2
hw5 (Due Fri. 2/21 at 6am)
2/20, 2/25 NoSQL and MongoDB
  1. Ch 7.7
  2. General NoSQL notes
  3. My Mongo DB notes
  4. Kathleen Durant's Mongo DB slides (look at slides 16-42)
  1. Lecture 1
  2. Lecture 2
hw6 (Due Wed. 3/4 at 6am)
2/27 Midterm Exam
3/3 Introduction to Web Programming and Scripting Languages
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in Chapter 1 and 2.1-2.5
  • In-class: All challenge activities in 2.4-2.5
Database Project for CS565 Students (Due Wed. 4/1 at 6am).
3/5 HTML and Forms Chapter 2.6-2.8 and Chapter 3
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in Chapter 2.6-2.8 and Chapter 3
  • In-class: All challenge activities in 2.6-2.7 and Chapter 3
Web project description
Web Project 1--Database design (Due Fri. 3/27 at 6am)
3/10 Basic CSS Ch. 4
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in Chapter 4
  • In-class: All challenge activities in Chapter 4
3/12 Advanced CSS and PhP Introduction Ch 5 and 12.1-12.2
3/24 PHP Basics
  1. Ch. 12.3-12.9
  2. Supplementary Reading: PHP Tutorial-Read the PHP Basics section through PHP functions
  3. Supplementary Reading: Introduction to PHP
  4. Supplementary Reading: Getting Started in PHP
  5. Brad's Cliff Notes Version of PHP
  6. Supplementary Reading: Geoff Mazeroff's Cliff Notes Version of PHP
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in Chapter 12.3-12.9
  • In/After class: Canvas quiz--3-24: PHP Basics
  • Lecture
3/26 Handling Forms and Session Management in PHP
  1. Ch 12.10, 13.4
  2. Supplementary Reading: Handling Forms
  3. Supplementary Reading: PHP Tutorial
    • Read the PHP Basics section from PHP Forms to the end
    • PHP Cookies
    • PHP Sessions
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in Chapter 12.10, 13.4
  • In/After class: Canvas quiz--3-26: PHP Form Handling
  • Lecture
    Supplementary Lecture
Web Project 2 -- user interface and server side (Due Apr. 8 at 6am)
3/31 PHP interface to mySQL and Regular Expressions
  1. Ch. 13.1, 13.6-13.8
  2. Supplementary Reading: PHP SQL-Read the PHP MySQL Database section
  3. Supplementary Reading: my PHP SQL notes
    lli> Pre-class: All participation activities in Chapter 13.1, 13.6-13.8
  • In/After class: Canvas quiz-3-31: PHP SQL and Regular Expressions
  • Lecture
Web Project 1 & 2 Explanation
4/2 Introduction to JavaScript Ch. 6--Basic Javascript and Ch. 8.1-8.2 (reg. exp and classes)
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in Ch. 6 and Ch. 8.1-8.2
  • After-class: All challenge activities in Ch. 6 and Ch. 8.1-8.2
  • Lecture
4/7 Javascript in the Browser--HTML DOM, Javascript DOM, Forms, Events, and AJAX
  1. Web Programming: Ch. 7.1-7.6, 7.8
  2. Supplementary Reading: Javascript DOM
  3. Supplementary Reading: Javascript Forms and Events
  4. Supplementary Reading: Ajax and PHP json_encode
hw7--Designing the client side in javascript (due Wed 4/15 at 6am)
4/9 JQuery Ch. 9.1-9.6
  • Pre-class: All participation activities in 9.1-9.
  • After-class: All challenge activities in 9.1-9.6
4/14, 4/16 Node.js and Express
  1. Ch 11.1-11.8
  2. Supplementary Reading (highly recommended because the book is a bit terse): w3schools.com--go to node.js
Web Project 3--Tying Together the Client and Server Sides (Due Sat 4/25 at 6am)
4/21, 4/23 Class canceled--Finish web projects Web projects due Sat. 4/25 at 6am (No late submissions)