ECE 202: Circuits II

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As announced by UT president Randy Boyd, ECE 202 will be delivered online for the remainder of the semester. The main components of course grading will be updated as follows for the remainder of the semester.
- Homework Weekly homeworks will continue as normal. There will be no homework during the week of the midterm exam. Due dates (to canvas) will remain Friday at 2:30.
- Quizzes Will now be included with homework problems. As with homework, they will be assigned at the beginning of the week and due Friday by 2:30. The quiz problems will be graded separately and count towards the "Quizzes" category of your grade.
- Exams Both the second midterm and the final exam will be "take-home". You are allowed one week, open-book, open-note, but no online resources other than the course website (and digital textbook, if used) may be used. No collaboration with other persons is allowed on the exams.
- Experiments Will be completed individually. There will no longer be seperate pre-lab and lab-experiment sections of the experiments (i.e. both will be combined into one assignment for each experiment). Experiments will be completed with LTSpice and MATLAB. For MATLAB in particular, students may consider using the online version MATLAB Online if you prefer not to install the full program on your personal computer. As long as you have created a Mathworks account using your UTK e-mail address, you can access MATLAB Online without a local installation. MATLAB is also available on the Apps@UT Server
Additionally, content delivery will be updated as follows
- Lectures Lectures will be held at the same time (MWF 2:30-3:20) and can be viewed live via this Zoom meeting . I will continue to post lecture recordings, lecture slides, and annotated lecture slides on the schedule page.
- Lecture Q&A During live lectures, I will also host live Q&A through this Slido meeting. At any time, you can submit a question or comment via slido and I will try to respond to them rapidly.
- Office Hours I will continue to host regular office hours (T 2:30-4:00, W 3:30-5:00). During this time, I will be logged into this Zoom meeting which you can login to for any portion of office hours to ask questions or discuss course material. Additionally, I will monitor Canvas Chat, Canvas Discussions, and Slack #officehours closely during designated office hours. As normal, I will be available by e-mail and can set up additional teleconfernce, chat, or phone meetings as needed, by request.
- Collaboration Because it will be more difficult for students to collaboration on homework or experiments peer-to-peer, I strongly encourage all students to engage with public channels in Slack or the Canvas Chat and Canvas Discussions. These tools are available for you to use as you see fit, but can be useful e.g. for discussing difficult topics from lectures or homeworks in a place that the entire class can see and respond to.
I know this situation will present significant difficulty for you, and I appologize for this. My goal during this time is to make every effort to make sure you are still able to learn and master the material from ECE202 so that you will be prepared for your courses next fall. If there is anything additional I can do to facilitate this, please let me know
I have added a new section to the Materials page which covers the tools and resources we will be using for online course delivery. Homework submission in canvas, course materials posted on the schedule page, homeworks posted on the assignment page, etc. will all remain unchanged.
I have created a slack workspace for the course at At that link, you can click "create an account" below the sign-in form; anyone using a or e-mail should be allowed to join. You are free to use this workspace as you see fit (post, create channels, etc.) to talk to your peers in the class. The purpose of this is to replace (some of) the collaboration and discussion that you were able to do before the class moved online. Though many of you may be able to reach out to each other by e-mail, I encourage you to use this Slack channel so that all students in the class can participate.
As with previous guidance for the course, you are free to collaborate on homework assignments or to discuss course content, but not on exams, and should not just post complete answers to homeworks for others to copy.
Information on the University plan for COVID-19 are available here. Additional recommendations from the CDC as outlined on their pages for prevention and what to do if you are sick. We may be in a fairly low-risk population based on age and health indicators, but many of our colleagues and loved ones are not, so we should all do our part to minimize any actions which may accelerate the spread of COVID-19.
As communicated by UTK, the course will move to online delivery following spring break, until at least April 3rd. Lectures will be delivered and recorded through zoom. I will present these lectures live at the normally-scheduled course time (MWF, 2:30-3:20pm) and post the recordings to the schedule page, as normal. If you join live, you will be able to ask questions using Slido.
Experiment #2 will become an individual assignment, completed using MATLAB and LTSpice. It will be posted after Spring Break.
Any quizzes or exams administered while content is still delivered remotely will be non-timed
During office hours, I will be available by phone, in the Canvas chat, by Slack or by e-mail. I will also be available to set up teleconferences by request.
On Feb 12th at the start of lecture, we had a presentation about the upcoming Expo Workshop held by the Society of Women Engineers. The event will be held on February 18th, from 5:30-7:30pm, on the 3rd floor of the Student Union. Students can seek advice from company representatives on three topics: resume review, practice interviews, and elevator pitches. Snacks will be served, and there will be an area where you can get professional headshots taken. This event will be a great way for students to build meaningful connections with company representatives before the Spring Engineering Expo.
Companies Attending: Bridgestone, OSIsoft, Southern Company, and U.S. Cellular
See the flyer handed out in class or Register here. -
The syllabus page for the course has been updated as discussed in class today. Instead of one report per individual, lab reports are now one per group.
The procedure for Experiment #1 has been posted. Please begin reading through the document and working on the prelab right away.
In the solution for Homework #1, Problem 13.2, the schematic shown differed from the book. This has been corrected in the posted solutions. The final results are unchanged.
Problems 13.15 and 13.17 were originally part of Homework #1. They have been dropped and are no longer assigned in the homework set.
Be sure to review the syllabus, and check the schedule page frequently for all course-related information and materials