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Course Schedule

Updated 15:14 February 27, 2024. Tentative lecture schedule, including links to lecture slides and notes, and links to assignments. The schedule is subject to change, please check frequently.

  • L2 - Jan. 25

  • Lab: Experiment 0
    Complete PCB Layout
  • L4 - Feb. 1

  • Lab: Experiment 1
    Characterize battery Voc-vs-SOC
  • L5 - Feb. 6

  • Lab: Experiment 1
    Characterize battery dynamic parameters; characterize motor
  • L6 - Feb. 8

  • Lab: Experiment 1 (finish)
    Validate models; complete lab calculations
  • L7 - Feb. 13

  • Lab: Experiment 2
    measure PWM output and ADC input (using interrupts)
  • L10 - Feb. 22

  • Lab: Experiment 3
    Get MOSFETs switching
  • L11 - Feb. 27

  • Lab: Experiment 3
    Run boost to full voltage
  • L12 - Feb. 29

  • Lab: Experiment 3 (finish)
    Run boost to full power
  • L13 - Mar. 5

  • Lab: Experiment 4
    Open-loop operation with LM5121
  • Mar. 12

  • Spring Break
  • Mar. 14

  • Spring Break
  • L15 - Mar. 19

  • Lab: Experiment 4
    Closed-loop (voltage) operation with LM5121
  • L16 - Mar. 21

  • Lab: Experiment 4 (finish)
  • L17 - Mar. 26

  • Lab: Experiment 5
    Design system and select all components
  • Mar. 28

  • No Class Day
  • L18 - Apr. 2

  • Lab: Experiment 5
    Complete power stage layout for boost and motor drive
  • L19 - Apr. 4

  • Lab: Experiment 5 (finish)
  • L20 - Apr. 9

  • L21 - Apr. 11

  • L22 - Apr. 16

  • Get PCBs Back (?)
  • L23 - Apr. 18

  • L24 - Apr. 23

  • L25 - Apr. 25

  • L26 - Apr. 30

  • L27 - May. 2

  • L28 - May. 7

  • May. 9

  • May. 14

  • May. 16