Project 1 - Two Category Classification Using Baysian Decision
Rule (Due 02/04)
Matlab Code for Plotting:
Design a decision rule on a synthetic data set with two categories. Assume the probability density is Gaussian.
Data set used:
Download (the training set) and synth.te (the
test set) from Ripley's Pattern Recognition and Neural Networks (link
provided on the course website).
(80) Basic requirements:
Use to train your decision rule, and use synth.te to test the decision rule.
- (10/5) Use maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the
parameters of Gaussian
- (45/30) Use discriminant function (try all three cases; note that
Case III is actually the MAP method) to derive
your decision rule. Illustrate the three decision rules (i.e.,
decision boundaries) as well as the sample locations in the same
graph and comment on the difference.
- (10/10) Try different prior probability distributions and evaluate
the performance.
- (15/15) Evaluate the performance of your decision rule extensively. Some methods include calculation and comparison of the classification accuracy of applying different decision rules on the testing set.
(+15/20) Use two-modal Gaussian to model the data set and compare the performance with that using the one-modal.
(+15/+15) Use Baysian learning to estimate the parameters of
Gaussian and compare performance.
(20) Report
Each project requires a formal and comprehensive report. Reporting is
especially important to graduate students. Here's a suggested outline for your reference.