Senjuti Dutta

Hello There, Welcome to my website!

I defended my PhD in human-computer interaction and applied machine learning in June 2024, with a focus on enhancing crowdworkers' flexibility through both quantitative and qualitative research. I aim to leverage my expertise to drive innovation in user-centric technologies. I'm passionate about the potential of Large Language Models (LLMs) to revolutionize technology and communication.

My work includes analyzing LLMs' effectiveness in code interpretation, modeling subjectivity, and investigating their evolving roles as sophisticated writing and humor generation aids. My goal is to solve real-world problems tailored to users' needs, using my research experience to bridge the gap between user research and software applications for the betterment of users.

Besides research I am a nature enthusiast and enjoy baking.



  • Full Paper related Beyond Thumbs Up/Down: Untangling Challenges of Fine-Grained Feedback for Text-to-Image Generation to got accepted at AIES in July 2024
  • Paper related to Beyond Thumbs Up/Down: Untangling Challenges of Fine-Grained Feedback for Text-to-Image Generation got accepted at ICML workshop in June 2024
  • Defended my PhD in understanding traits to support crowdworkers flexibility in June 2024
  • Started my internship with Keywords Studios working as a human data project manager in May 2024
  • Deep Learning Indaba workshop got accepted as organizer in May 2024
  • Publicity & Networking Co-Chair Invitation from HCOMP 2024 in February 2024
  • Review paper related to A Design Space for Intelligent and Interactive Writing Assistants got accepted at CHI 2024 in Dec 2023
  • Received Yates Dissertation Fellowship in August 2023
  • Published a workshop paper in CHI 2023 " Towards an Authorial Leverage Evaluation Framework for Expressive Benefits of Deep Generative Models in Story Writing" during my internship in Google
  • Attended HCOMP Doctorial Consortium 2022 and my mentor for the HCOMP DC was Dr. Jeffery P. Bigham
  • Our poster paper "Beyond a One-Size-Fits-All Approach: Towards Personalizing Multi-device Setups in Crowdwork" got accepted at UbiComp/ISWC 2022 in August 22, 2022
  • Started as a student researcher in Google from August 1st, 2022
  • Attended CHI 2022 in New Orelans, USA in April 30, 2022- May 6, 2022