Synthesis of Entire Block  
The following Screen Shots show the Post-Layout simulation of the entire block with the SDF file included which takes into account the delays while simulation. 
This shows a set of data being read from the input RAM and transfer to the DES Block - ScreenShot
This shows the cipher text from the above set of data  - ScreenShot
This shows the cipher text being written into the output RAM - ScreenShot


The following is the entire module containing Input RAM -> DES --> Output RAM
Block Diagram
The following figure is the view of the entire block diagram.


The following is the zoomed view 

Controller module houses the State machine that is responsible for reading the values from RAM and giving the GO signal to start the DES module and also writes the values from DES to the Second RAM The following figure is the view of the controller module

The following is the State machine flow in the controller module

The following is the State machine flow(zoom) in the controller module

The following figure shows the Input RAM

Synthesis results of the Entire module
The following figure shows the different modules in the project as an outcome of Design Analyzer

Schematic ,Symbolic and Hierarchical views of Individual modules
Top Module
The following figure shows the Schematic view of the Entire top module 

The following figure represents the Symbolic view of the Entire top module

The following figure shows the Hierarchical view of the Entire top module

The following figure represents the Symbolic view of the Controller module

The following figure shows the Schematic view of the RAM module 

The following figure represents the Symbolic view of the RAM module

Once the gate-level netlist is obtained using design compiler it is then given as one of the inputs to silicon ensemble to do the automatic 
place and routing. A global constraint file (gcf) is also imported in silicon ensemble to get Standard delay format (SDF) of the cells and the interconnects
Silicon Ensemble
The following is the output from silicon ensemble. This shows the abstract view of the entire project modules

The following is the floorplan report obtained by Silicon ensemble  

Layout using ICFB
Once the abstract view is obtained from silicon ensemble in the form of DEF, it is then imported into ICFB to get the layout.
The following figure represents layout 

The following shows the zoomed view

The following figure represents the extracted view

LVS check is performed on the Extraction and Schematic (obtained from gate-level netlist). The following figure represents the LVS output.

Schematic obtained from Gate-Level Netlist
Top module 
The following figure represents Schematic view of Top module

The following figure represents zoomed view of the Schematic

The following figure represents symbolic view of the Top module

The following figure represents Schematic view of Controller module

The following figure represents zoomed view of the Schematic

The following figure represents symbolic view of the Controller module

The following figure represents Schematic view of RAM module

The following figure represents zoomed view of the Schematic

The following figure represents symbolic view of the RAM module


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RAM Synthesis


DES on Xilinx