
 and Hints  
Problem 1
One of the important problems that we faced while doing synthesis was feed throughs in the DES module.
"Warning: In design 'xp_4', there are 48 feed throughs. (LINT-30) Warning: In design 'xp_4', there are 16 output ports shorted to other output ports. (LINT-30)"
 Cause: A feed through occurs when an input port connects directly to an output port.
Solution: Design compiler was forced to insert a buffer between input and output ports using "set_fix_multiple_port_nets -feed throughs". In order to remove feed throughs in all modules the following tcl script can be used
Problem 2 
Appearence of "assign statement" in the netlist .This created problems while doing the LVS check as the design compiler would assign some port to zero if that has to be grounded. resulting in LVS mismatch.
Cause: Assign statements appear due to presence of "tri-state elements" in the netlist or could be due to Feed throughs
Solution: Design compiler can be issued "verilogout_no_tri = true" to eliminate assign statements or if assign statements are because of "feedthroughs" an incremental compiling can be done .
Problem 3:
One of the design constraints that we faced was maximum fan-outs for driving pins.
Solution: Issuing the command "set_max_fanout" in design compiler would set the maximum fan-outs of the driving pins
Problem 4:
We also faced some clock constraint warnings while doing synthesis.
Solution: If your design has a clock, it is better to give "create_clock -period clock_pin" to create a clock of certain period giving the clock pin name
Problem 5
Each of the modules in the gate-level netlist should be added with VDD and VSS supply wires.Failing
to add this caused problem while doing Silicon-ensemble
Solution: Executed a perl script which added
supply1 VDD
supply0 VSS
after each module description in the netlist
Problem 6
VDD and VSS mismatch in silicon ensemble while importing Netlist (File--> import --> verilog)
Solution:In the case of tsmc technology,power and ground lines are given as VDD and VSS Therefore while importing the netlist after importing the lef , VDD and VSS should be given as input in the "power nets" and "ground nets"  options.
Problem 7
"Nets in a loop" error while doing Verify --> Connectivity in Silicon ensemble
Cause: Suppose that there are 2 ports of the same name and both the ports are connected to ground.While doing place and route, silicon ensemble first connects both the ports and then connects one of the ports to ground. This  causes the "net in a loop" error.
Solution: A variable option should be changed while doing "wroute".Change the value of the variable
"wroute.allow.shorts" from true to false 
Problem 8
Warnings while trying to import the gate-level netlist in ICFB to get Schematic
Solution: While we do "File --> import --> verilog" a window will open where we need to give the netlist name and the Reference libraries. 
Add "basic tsmc18 tsmc18_artisan_test1" in Reference libraries and
Add "tsmc18_artisan_test1" in Target compile library name
Problem 9
LVS mismatch in "terminals"
Solution: Once the DEF is imported to get the layout in ICFB ,add VDD and VSS in the layout.
Problem 10:
Values were not written into the RAM properly while doing Post-Synthesis simulation
Solution: The testbench for doing Pre-layout simulation and the one used for post-synthesis should be different. Inorder to write inside the RAM (Post-synthesis) we used the following statements

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