5th International Symposium
Distributed Autonomous Robotic Systems
Oak Ridge National Laboratory Robotics Tour Registration Form
For tour on Friday, October 6, 2000
DARS 2000 Conference Secretary
Oak Ridge National Laboratory
Center for Engineering Science Advanced Research
P.O. Box 2008
Oak Ridge, TN 37831-6355
Fax: +1-865-574-0405
Last Name: |
First Name: |
Middle Name: |
Current employer (name): | ||
Your country of citizenship: | ||
Your email address: |
If you are a U.S. citizen, the above table is all the information you need to provide.
All other citizens, proceed with the following:
Date of Birth (MM-DD-YYYY): | Male(M) or Female(F): |
Education -- University (last attended): | Highest degree earned (must be one of None,
AS, BA, BS, MA, ME, MS, PhD, Other): |
Year degree attained: | Major: |
City of birth: | Country of birth: |
Passport number (enter NA if U.S.
permanent resident; enter AF if passport being applied for): |
Passport expiration date: |
Visa type (must be one of PRA (Permanent
Resident Alien), B1-Business, H1-Employment, J1-Exchange Visitor,
F1-Student, VWB-Visa Waiver Business,EAD-Employment Authorization Document,
Other (please specify), none): |
Visa expiration date: |
If PRA visa type, include number, or if Other visa type, specify type: | |
Are you currently living in the U.S.? (Yes or No) | |
Current employment position: | |
Employer address (including street, city,
state/province, country,
postal code): | |
Organization represented/place of work (if different from current employer): | |
Address (including street, city, state/province,
country, postal code): |
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