LEON provides two on-chip buses: AMBA AHB and APB. APB is used to access on-chip registers in the peripheral functions, while AHB is used for high-speed data transfers. The specification for the AMBA bus can be downloaded from ARM [6]. The full AHB/APB standard is implemented and the AHB/APB bus controllers can be customized through the TARGET package. Additional (user defined) AHB/APB peripherals should be added in the MCORE module.

LEON uses the AMBA-2.0 AHB bus to connect the processor cache controllers to the memory controller and other (optional) high-speed units. In the default configuration, the processor is the only master on the bus, while two slaves are provided: the memory controller and the APB bridge. Table below shows the default address allocation.

Default Address Allocation

From the above address space it is evident that we can read and write to APB devices in the range 0x80000000 – 0x8FFFFFFF. The APB bridge is connected to the AHB as a slave and acts as the (only) master on the APB. Most on-chip peripherals are accessed through the APB.

The processor is connected to the AHB through the instruction and data cache controllers. Access conflicts between the two cache controllers are resolved locally and only one AHB master interface is connected to the AHB. The processor will perform burst transfers to fetch instruction cache lines or reading/writing data as results of double load/store instructions. Byte, half-word and word load/store instructions will perform single.


 The Advanced Peripheral Bus (APB) is part of the Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture (AMBA) hierarchy of buses and is optimized for minimal power consumption and reduced interface complexity.  The interface to the APB slave device looks as in the figure.

For a write transfer the data can be latched at the following points:

The select signal PSELx, the address PADDR and the write signal PWRITE can be combined to determine which register should be updated by the write operation. For read transfers the data can be driven on to the data bus when PWRITE is LOW and both PSELx and PENABLE are HIGH. While PADDR is used to determine which register should be read.

APB Device

 The PRESETn  and PCLK are separately routed in the processor to the global clk and rst.syncrst.

 The APB device is connected using the following two records:

 type APB_Slv_In_Type is record

PSEL: Std_ULogic;

PENABLE: Std_ULogic;

PADDR: Std_Logic_Vector(PAMAX-1 downto 0);

PWRITE: Std_ULogic;

PWDATA: Std_Logic_Vector(PDMAX-1 downto 0);

end record;

type APB_Slv_Out_Type is record

PRDATA: Std_Logic_Vector(PDMAX-1 downto 0);

end record;

We interfaced a memory element to this bus and performed read and write to these registers from the external ram using a C-application code. The file apb_slave.vhd shows the description of the interfaced registers. The registers are interfaced to the address space 0x80000300 – 0x8000030C. 

The following is the entity of the added device.

entity apb_slave is

  port (

    rst  : in  std_logic;               -- Reset Input for the module

    clk  : in  clk_type;                -- Clock Input for the module

          apbi : in  apb_slv_in_type;         --  AMBA APB slave inputs

    apbo : out apb_slv_out_type      --  AMBA APB slave outputs


end apb_slave;

Since this is a new device in the LEON processor bus the component should be added in the ambacomp.vhd and port mapped in the mcore.vhd to the APB device 14. The device configuration of the APB and the memory map is described in device.vhd. After this the device is successfully available in the address space defined. The standard program loaded in to the ram by the test-bench tb_func32 is changed to read and write to the memory locations. The new C-file looks as in leon_test.c. The following procedure is used to compile the C-file to generate the required ram.dat.


        sparc-rtems-objcopy --remove-section=.comment leon_test.exe

        sparc-rtems-objdump -s leon_test.exe > ram.dat

        sparc-rtems-objdump -d leon_test.exe > ram.s

        sparc-rtems-size leon_test.exe

        sparc-rtems-objcopy -O srec lt sdram.rec


leon_test.exe : regtest.o irqctrl.o uart.o leon_test.o timers.o cache.o misc.o \

        memtest.o ioport.o fpu.o ramtest.o divtest.o multest.o

        $(CC) $(LDFLAGS) regtest.o irqctrl.o uart.o leon_test.o timers.o cache.o misc.o \

        memtest.o ioport.o fpu.o ramtest.o \

        divtest.o  multest.o \

        $(LIBS) -o leon_test.exe

        cp leon_test.exe lt

        sparc-rtems-strip leon_test.exe

The resultant RAM-LEON-RAM is passed through the modelsim for simulation using the standard test bench and using the standard way to conduct the test as described in leon . The pre-layout simulation is shown in the picture. 

Once this is passed the synthesis of the same RAM-LEON-RAM is done using fc2_shell and dc_shell. synthesis results are here.

The snapshot of the Modelsim window showing successful simulations. The testbench involves forceful breakpoint introduction to stop the processor however the message "TEST COMPLETED,OK" shows completion of the test.



A snap-shot of post-synthesis simulation is shown below.


APB is a simple and fast enough bus for low-end peripherals mostly for ones which operate on word by word of the data rather than a burst of data. The control logic in this type of bus is simple and thus in the place of current memory can be easily replaced with any peripheral devices. The examples of such devices can be seen in Leon’s built in Timers(timers.vhd),  I/Oport(ioport.vhd), irqCtrl(irqctrl.vhd) in which Jiri Gaisler already coded them as APB devices.


AHB is a new generation of AMBA bus which is intended to address the requirements of high-performance synthesizable designs. AMBA AHB is a new level of bus which sits above the APB and implements the features required for high-performance, high clock frequency systems including:

AMBA AHB transfer is started after the bus master is granted access to the bus. This process is started by the master asserting a request signal to the arbiter. The arbiter then indicates when the master will be granted use of the bus. A granted bus master starts an AMBA AHB transfer by driving the address and control signals. These signals provide information on the address, direction and width of the transfer, as well as an indication if the transfer forms part of a burst. Two different forms of burst transfers are allowed:

A write data bus is used to move data from the master to a slave, while a read data bus is used to move data from a slave to the master. Every transfer consists of:

The address cannot be extended and therefore all slaves must sample the address during this time. The data, however, can be extended using the HREADY signal. When LOW this signal causes wait states to be inserted into the transfer and allows extra time for the slave to provide or sample data. During a transfer the slave shows the status using the response signals, HRESP[1:0]: OKAY, ERROR, RETRY.

In normal operation a master is allowed to complete all the transfers in a particular burst before the arbiter grants another master access to the bus. However, in order to avoid excessive arbitration latencies it is possible for the arbiter to break up a burst and in such cases the master must re-arbitrate for the bus in order to complete the remaining transfers in the burst.

An AHB master has the most complex bus interface in an AMBA system. Typically an AMBA system designer would use pre-designed bus masters and therefore would not need to be concerned with the detail of the bus master interface[2]. The interface of the AMBA AHB is as shown in the following figure.

AHB Master Interface

The master device request for bus access by  making the HBUSREQx signal high. The arbiter responds to the request and should set the HGRANTx  in the input to high and HREADY high indicating the complete access to the bus, upon detecting both the input signals HGRANTx  and HREADY high the device can start the transfer.

Each AHB master is connected to the bus through two records:

-- AHB master inputs (HCLK and HRESETn routed separately)

type AHB_Mst_In_Type is record

HGRANT: Std_ULogic; -- bus grant

HREADY: Std_ULogic; -- transfer done

HRESP: Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- response type

HRDATA: Std_Logic_Vector(HDMAX-1 downto 0); -- read data bus

end record;

-- AHB master outputs

type AHB_Mst_Out_Type is record

HBUSREQ: Std_ULogic; -- bus request

HLOCK: Std_ULogic; -- lock request

HTRANS: Std_Logic_Vector(1 downto 0); -- transfer type

HADDR: Std_Logic_Vector(HAMAX-1 downto 0); -- address bus (byte)

HWRITE: Std_ULogic; -- read/write

HSIZE: Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- transfer size

HBURST: Std_Logic_Vector(2 downto 0); -- burst type

HPROT: Std_Logic_Vector(3 downto 0); -- protection control

HWDATA: Std_Logic_Vector(HDMAX-1 downto 0); -- write data bus

end record;

The AHB master interface to any device is typically done as follows

1.      A set of memory mapped APB registers are assigned to the device through the standard APB_slv_in_type and APB_slv_out_type records. So that a C program can talk to these registers and perform read and write into these registers. These registers will typically be  enable master device, enable dma request, read start address for data, write start address for data.

2.      The AHB master will read the registers through the APB bridge and then save in internal register. With the inputs it will set the request for the bus by putting the HBUSREQx high.

3.      The sequencing logic should be implemented successively to check if the request is granted and perform read and write operations when the request is granted.

4.      The IP-block operation is done and the result is thrown into the bus.

 The entity of a typical APB master is as follows:

entity ahb_master is

  port (

    rst               in  std_logic;               -- Reset Input for the module

    clk               in  clk_type;                -- Clock Input for the module

       apbi              in  apb_slv_in_type;         -- AMBA APB Slave

    apbo    :           out apb_slv_out_type;     -- AMBA APB Slave

    ahbi              in ahb_mst_in_type;          -- UT-LEON

    ahbo    :           out ahb_mst_out_type         -- UT-LEON


end ahb_master;

Similar to the APB slave device configuration the following changes should be done to accommodate the new master in the chip:

1.      ambacomp.vhd – The component should be declared in here.

2.      mcore.vhd – The component should be port mapped here. The APB should be interfaced at the 14th device and AHB master module should be interfaced at ahbmi(1) and ahbmo(1).  The higher the number of the master the higher the priority of getting the bus access.

3.      device.vhd – Do the required modifications and memory maps to accommodate the APB slave device registers.

The software program required for the AHB master is same as the APB slave since the master only works on the registers read in by the APB slave, thus the C-program, compilation model and testbench are same as in APB slave as mentioned above.

The implementation of the AHB master is one of the complex tasks in LEON implementations, typically in the SoC expected there may be just one another master module and rest of the others as slave modules working under the authority of the master. The prelayout simulation in this cases does not work as expected since the bus request is never granted to our memory module to perform transfer. As shown in the figure, the apbi(0).hgrant is always high (belongs to the processor core) indicating that the processor is always in control of the bus. The reason could be some timing issues or some part of the processor is continuously calling for the bus,  Since the involvement of so many timing issues in between we are yet to understand this behavior of the processor. However our template code for access to the AHB master device is clean and should be working.

The best example is available in the LEON code in the dcom.vhd which essentially is a debug status monitor. It is implemented as a AHB master. The code is a little tricky but however this code in conjunction with our commented code will provide enough insight into the working of AHB bus master. 

| Abstract | Introduction | SoC Architecture Overview | Hardware Details | Helpful Hints | Conclusions | References | Acknowledgements |