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Kai Sun 孙凯
Professor, IEEE Fellow
Curriculum Vitae, GoogleScholar, ResearchGate
Prof. Sun received his B.S. in Automation (1999) and Ph.D. in Control Science & Engineering (2004) both from Tsinghua University, Beijing. Before joining UTK, he was a Project Manager with the Electric Power Research Institute (EPRI) in Palo Alto, CA for R&D programs in Grid Operations and Planning from 2007 to 2012. He conducted postdoctoral studies at Arizona State University in 2006-2007 and the University of Western Ontario in 2005. He was a visiting scholar at Harvard University in 2019-2020. Prof. Sun is a recipient of 2016 NSF CAREER award, a faculty Member of NSF/DOE engineering research center CURENT, and an IEEE Fellow.
Prof. Sun's research interests include stability,
dynamics and control of power grids and other complex systems.
3/2024: Dr. Sun received the 2024 Research and Creative Achievement Award from the University of Tennessee.
12/2023: Our paper "Real-time Damping Estimation on Nonlinear Electromechanical Oscillation" (Xin Xu, Wenyun Ju, Bin Wang, Kai Sun) has been selected as one of the five IEEE Transactions on Power Systems Outstanding Papers in 2023.
11/2023: Prof. Sun was elevated to IEEE Fellow for contributions to power grid stability analysis and control.
11/2023: A new Springer book "Cascading Failures in Power Grids: Risk Assessment, Modeling, and Simulation" edited by Dr. Sun is now availalbe for preorder.
07/2023: Five conference papers from Prof. Sun's group were presented at the IEEE PES General Meeting in Orlando. The paper titled "A Long-Term Voltage Stability Margin Index Based on Multiple Real Power Flow Solutions" was chosen as as a Prize Conference Paper (Best of the best papers in section "Distribution and Grid Edge Planning and Operation").
01/2023: A new Wiley-IEEE book "Power System Simulation Using Semi-Analytical Methods" edited by Dr. Sun is now availalbe for preorder.
12/2022: Min Xiong received the best paper and presentation awards for "Semi-Analytical Electromagnetic Transient Simulation Using Differential Transformation" by 4th International Conference on Smart Power & Internet Energy Systems.
08/2022: Prof. Sun gave an IEEE Webinar titled "Nonlinear Modal Decoupling: a New Approach to Real-Time Power System Stability Analysis and Control" (slides, IEEE link)
Efficient Simulation of Cascading Outages Using an Energy Function-Embedded Quasi-Steady-State Model (IEEE TPWRS '25).
Estimation of Participation Factors for Power System Oscillation from Measurements (IEEE TIA '25).
A Semi-Analytical Approach for State-Space Electromagnetic Transient Simulation (IEEE OAJPE '24).
Analysis and Mitigation of Cascading Failures Using a Stochastic Interaction Graph with Eigen-analysis (IEEE TPWRS '24).
An Open-Source Parallel EMT Simulation Framework (EPSR '24).
PI-Controlled Variable Time-Step Power System Simulation Using an Adaptive Order Differential Transformation Method (IEEE TPWRS '24).
ParaEMT: An Open Source, Parallelizable, and HPC-Compatible EMT Simulator for Large-Scale IBR-Rich Power Grids (IEEE TPWRD '24).
Locating the Source of Oscillation with Two-Tier Dynamic Mode Decomposition Integrating Early-Stage Energy (IEEE TPWRS '24).
Reduced Order Characterization of Nonlinear Oscillations Using an Adaptive Phase-Amplitude Coordinate Framework (SIADS '24).
Data-Driven Computational Methods for the Domain of Attraction and Zubov's Equation (IEEE TAC '24).