ECE634 Spring 2023: Fundamentals of Semiconductors
- 0. Syllabus (Uploaded 01/24/2023)
- 1. Introduction (Uploaded 01/24/2023): Raise questions like "Why semiconductors" to stimulate curiosity
- 2. Widely Used Concepts (Uploaded 01/24/2023): Ask more questions about familiar concepts
- 3. Quantum Mechanics Primer I (Updated 02/16/2023): A 2-state system
- 4. Quantum Mechanics Primer II (Updated 02/16/2023): Beyond 2-state systems
- 5. Quantum Mechanics Primer III (Updated 02/16/2023): Many-body problems
- 4. Bands & Bonds (Updated 03/12/2020): Complementary pictures of solids
- 5. Charge Carriers (Updated 04/21/2020): How semiconductors conduct
- 6. Optical Properties of Semiconductors (Uploaded 04/24/2020): Let there be light!
- Homework 5 Answers (Uploaded 05/12/2020)
Quantum Mechanics Primer: Understand QM in 3 weeks, no previous exposure required
Solid-State Physics Foundation of Semiconductor theory
Properties of Semiconductors
ECE635 Fall 2021: Advanced Semiconductor Devices
Announcement (8/19/2021):
- 1. Introduction (Updated 08/19/2021)
- 2. Semiconductor Physics Review/Overview I (Updated 08/31/2021)
- 3. pn Junction & Schottky Junction I: Equilibrium (Updated 08/31/2021)
- 4. Semiconductor Physics Review/Overview II (Updated 09/14/2021)
- 5. MOSFETs (Updated 09/23/2021)
- A paper: Negative capacitance -- the way to beat 60 mV/dec? (Uploaded 10/10/2017)
- 6. MOSFET Characterization & Electrical Transport in Semiconductors (Updated 10/7/2021)
- A classic paper on effective mass approximation (Uploaded 09/03/2012)
- 7. Other types of FETs (Updated 10/14/2021)
- 8. Semiconductors and Their Interfaces (Updated 11/04/2021)
- An article on III-V MOSFETs (Uploaded 10/01/2012)
- 9. pn Junction & Schottky Junction II: I-V Characteristics (Updated 11/09/2021)
- 10. BJTs (Updated 11/16/2021)
- 11. Photonics (Updated 11/18/2021)
- 12. CMOS Processing & Scaling (Updated 11/30/2021)
- ECE635 Note #12: TFTs (Used in Fall 2017; topic not covered in Fall 2021)
Some of the slide sets below are a few years old. The course content will be updated. The sister course above (ECE692/599) will become ECE634 when taught next time.
Course Description:
Broad overview of semiconductor device physics and of device concepts complemented with in-depth discussions on selected topics.
Core topics: Band structures, homo- and heterojunctions, carrier statistics, scattering and transport mechanisms, field-effect transistors (MOSFETs, MESFETs, MODFETs, etc), bipolar transistors, photodiodes, and LEDs.
Semiconductor processing will be briefly reviewed.
Possible selected topics: Advanced silicon CMOS, emerging nanoelectronic devices, microwave devices, memristive devices, power electronics devices, flexible and display devices, or semiconductor lasers.
ECE692 Fall 2014: Introduction to Nanoelectronics
Course Description:
- 1. Introduction
- 2. Periodic Things
- 3. The Quantum World
- 4. An excursion to Lineland
- 5. Back to Flatland
Coming soon.
Important Announcement:
Venue and Time: Min Kao 235, 12:05 - 2:05 pm every Thursday.
Reading assignment for the first two weeks:
1) Feynman's 1959 speech "There's Plenty of Room at the Bottom." (This is a scanned copy of the original that appeared in the magzine Engineering and Science in 1960, with my marks and comments. You may find the speech online.) Read also the revisit of this speech by the journal Nature Nanotechnology.
2) The Feynman Lectures on Physics Vol. III Sections 1-1 to 2-2. Stop at the middle of page 2-3, "... So we must talk about what we can predict," if you are not very proficient in optics. [The book is available online.]
Course Materials: