Course Schedule

Updated 14:40 October 11, 2024. Tentative lecture schedule, including links to lecture slides and notes, and links to assignments. The schedule is subject to change, please check frequently.

  • L3 - Aug. 23

  • Course Introduction: Limitations of Averaging in Dynamic Modeling
    Textbook: Section 2.1-2.2, 2.6
  • note library_books play_arrow
  • Sep. 2

  • Labor Day
  • Sep. 16

  • No Lecture
  • Oct. 7

  • Fall Break
  • L21 - Oct. 11

  • Small Signal Augmented State Space
    Generalized State Space Linearization
  • note library_books
  • Oct. 14

  • Oct. 16

  • L22 - Oct. 21

  • Linearizing by subinterval
  • note
  • L23 - Oct. 23

  • Midterm Project Presentations
  • L24 - Oct. 25

  • Limit Cycle Oscillations
    Textbook: Section 5.1-5.3
  • L25 - Oct. 28

  • DPWM Implementations
    Textbook: Section 5.4
  • L26 - Oct. 30

  • L28 - Nov. 4

  • L29 - Nov. 6

  • L31 - Nov. 11

  • L32 - Nov. 13

  • L33 - Nov. 15

  • L34 - Nov. 18

  • L35 - Nov. 20

  • L36 - Nov. 22

  • L37 - Nov. 25

  • Nov. 27

  • Thanksgiving Break
  • Nov. 29

  • Thanksgiving Break
  • L38 - Dec. 2

  • Dec. 4

  • Study Day
  • Dec. 6

  • Dec. 9

  • Dec. 11

  • Dec. 13

  • Dec. 16

  • Dec. 18

  • Dec. 20