Course Schedule

Updated 09:51 April 29, 2024. Tentative lecture schedule, including links to lecture slides and notes, and links to assignments. The schedule is subject to change, please check frequently.

  • Jan. 22

  • Snow Day
  • L13 - Feb. 21

  • Phasor Power: Average and RMS
    Sections 11.1-11.2
    Note: Lecture recording lost audio mid-way. For supplemental recordings see Part 1 and Part 2 from prior years
  • L19 - Mar. 6

    • Midterm Exam 1
  • Mar. 11

  • Spring Break
  • Mar. 13

  • Spring Break
  • Mar. 15

  • Spring Break
  • Mar. 29

  • Spring Recess
  • L30 - Apr. 10

  • Laplace Transform of Periodic Signals
    Laplace vs. Fourier
    s-Plane Poles and Zeros
    Section 14.10
  • L37 - Apr. 26

    • Midterm Exam 2
  • May. 8

    • THURSDAY, May 9
      Final Exam

  • May. 10

  • May. 13

  • May. 15

  • May. 17